For now though I have the Wulfen Jaeger Houndmasters to show you. As I have written about before I have a problem with how to base them. The rules don't cover that as the hounds and their masters are seperate models and there are no specific rules for the houndmasters. Having looked at them for a couple of weeks now, trying to figure out what to do, I decided that a 50 mm base was the answer for the models.
50 mm is huge, but I tried with 40 mm and there was not enough room for both models.
With the models in place I thought about the rules and decided to go with a bits and pieces from the thread on that I had started regarding the rules, or lack of, for the houndmasters. I came up with the following;
The Houndmaster and Wolfhound are one model. Which have the following statistics:
Cost: 30
Move: 5
Cbt: 4
Mk: 3
Str: 4
Fort: 4
Att: 2
Wd: 2
Brv: 4
Arc: 2
When not moving the Houndmaster has the option to shoot a one-handed weapon, but not aim. The Houndmaster can only carry weapons for one hand. When in melee combat the Wolfhound makes two attacks. They also get the following new skill;
Beasts Charge
For each round that the model is not in melee the model gets the following modifiers to Combat; +1 to Cbt and Str to the first attacks in melee.
Please leave any comments you have any regarding the rules. And of course just comments in general.
The models look lovely! I think you'll have to play these rules for a while to see how they feel.