Thursday, June 27, 2019

Indian Mutiny revisited

A couple of years ago I sold my collection of Indian Mutiny figures that I had collected for Sharp Practice. The sale was made primarily because I at the time had problems finding someone to play with, but I really liked the figures and the setting.

Since then I have been thinking about getting some of the figures again. I now have several friends who would like to play the game/setting with me. So two months ago I made a purchase from Iron Duke Miniatures and Mutineer Miniatures, which I have steadily been painting up.

The collection is not as large as my previous one, but I have already ordered some reinforcements. But here is the collection as it currently stands.




  1. A terrific collection! I look forward to seeing game reports of them in action.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Michael. Your blog and Indian Mutiny figures have been an excellent source for getting the colours right.
