Sunday, March 9, 2025

First solo game - Here's the Ruckus re-skinned for the Indian Mutiny

Central India, late May 1857

Captain Morstan and his detachment have been tasked with securing supplies from a small village. Unbeknownst to the British, the Mutineers are also rather keen to secure the supplies and have sent Subedar Rahul Devi and his fierce men.

Supplies include weapon crates, a hand cart and food. All needed for both sides.

Turn 1.

The Mutineers seemed to have done their reconnaissance as they quickly moved into the outskirts of the village. (The first 4 cards drawn included the 3 Rebel Heroes and a Cunning Plan - Forfeit, which the Mutineers won). There were quite a few Mishaps, when the Mutineers sprinted ahead.

Leading from the front, Capt. Morstan and his highlanders next move along the road, but in cover. Just as Subedar Kartar Singh was a about to enter the battlefield, the Mutineers played their Forfeit card. 

Next up was another Cunning Plan, again won by the Mutineers - that would prove to be the case for the entire game. Divers Alarums was drawn and the card was Hard Going. It was immediately placed in front of Capt. Morstan and his men. The route alongside the road suddenly got a lot harder.

Last card was Lt. Small, so only 1 of 3 British Heroes was on the board by the end of Turn 1. 

Turn 2.

Immediately Lt. Small entered on the right flank with the task of securing the food. A Cunning Plan won by the Mutineers and they got another Forfeit. 

The Mutineers then got to activate when their 3 cards came up next. Each spear moved towards one objective each. The fast-moving Badmashes led by Kishan Kallu ended up almost by the food objective. Subedar Devi and his Sepoys entered the town square also getting close the hand cart. And lastly Akesh Kumar and his Sepoy Rabble (not as well trained, but Nimble) had no trouble entering the garden of a house where the weapon crates were kept.

The Mutineers played the Forfeit card when Capt. Morstand's card came up, but a roll of 6, ruined that plan. Morstand and his men were stuck in the hard going wines and bushes, so their progress towards the hand card was slow to say the least.

Once again the last card was a British Hero, so Subedar Singh was still not on the table.

Turn 3. 

First card up was however the British Hero 3 - Subedar Singh and his spear entered the left flank knowing that the Mutineers were very close to the weapon crates objective on their flank.

Kishan Kallu and his Badmashes moved within 3" of the food objective next. Lt. Small was the next card up. He ordered two of his men to move forward with him, and one man to take a shot at Kallu. With a roll of a 6 he hit, and another 6 made sure that the shot was not blocked. The hero saved though.

The final sequence for turn 3 was first a Cunning Plan (Perk) - used for a Divers Alarums, followed by Akesh Kumar moving up to the weapon crates thereby securing the objective. Another Cunning Plan (Reroll) for the Mutineers was next. It was then time for Subedar Revi to take charge of the hand cart, thereby winning the game for the Mutineers. Revi ordered one of his men to shoot at one of Morstand's men and another 6, not blocked and failed saved was the game's first and final kill.

Last card was Capt. Morstan, so no activation for him this time.

The Mutineers sat on all three objectives and won the game.


This was a lot of fun. The game ass anticipated works really well for solo play. There is enough fog of war and fun elements without it being a game of randomness. There was only two shots in the game, since the Mutineer cards just kept coming first, so it turned out to be a very one-sided game. Looking forward to my next game.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

SALE: WW2 Italian desert army


Selling my desert Italian army. Figures are all from Warlord Games, plastic and metal. 

The army is painted to a very high standard by myself. They are based on 25mm washers for all standing/kneeling infantry. Prone infantry and support weapons on other kinds of bases. 

There are also a number of vehicles in the army, these are mostly resin prints, with some exceptions, which is noted below.

The army consists of:

30 x  Bersaglieri (6 lmg, 24 rifles)

20 x Colonial infantry (2 lmg, 18 rifles)

10 x Guastatori (2 flamers, the rest carbines/pistols)

10 x Blackshirts (smgs)

3 x HQ (smgs)

2 x Medium Mortar

1 x Sniper Team

1 x Anti-tank rifle

2 x Breda 20mm autocannon

1 x Light Howitzer

in total 92 infantry


1 x Fiat Falco airplane (1/72 scale plastic)

1 x Macchi Folgore airplane (1/72 scale plastic)

2 x Trucks w/mmg (plastic print)

2 x M11/39 (resin print)

2 x Fiat 508 Coloniale staff cars (resin print)

1 x IZM armoured car (resin print)

2 x M14/41 or Semovente 75/18 (WG plastic kit, which has been magnitized so that it is easy to convent from one tank to the other)

1 x Pavesi artillery tractor (plastic print)

in total 12 vehicles

Price: €950  €800 + shipment

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

SALE: 28mm Franco-Prussian War Miniatures

Selling my 28mm Franco-Prussian War miniatures. All miniatures are metal and from Eagles of Empire. They have been painted to a very high standard and are based on 40mm bases for infantry, 30mm for leaders, and 50mm for cavalry.

They have only been used once. 

The collection consists of the following:


12 French Line Infantry + 1 leader

12 Garde Mobile + 1 leader

12 French Turcos + 1 leader

6 Cuirassiers


24 Prussian Line Infantry + 2 leaders

12 Bavarian Line Infantry + 1 leader

6 Prussian Cuirassiers

I also have an unpainted French Mitrailleuse w/ 4 crew that I will put in.

Price: £400 + shipment from Denmark

Also available are the two rulebooks for the Eagles of Empire rules and unit cards for all the above mentioned units.

